Project Justice Ghana: We invite you to complete our questionnaire to see if you are eligible to join us to fight for legal justice and financial compensation for you.

If you participated in the No-Till Agricultural Programme AND have contracted Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) as a result of using Roundup, you may be eligible to be represented to apply for financial compensation.


This website is not an offer to provide legal services but, depending on your answers to our questions here, we may suggest firms who may become your lawyers. They will not be your lawyers until you sign a written fee agreement. The information on this site is not legal advice. Our statements here are our opinions only. Our past results depended on the unique facts and law of those cases, and do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction of the outcome of any other matter, including this one. If we introduce attorneys who offer to represent you, it's because they think you have a claim worth asserting, one that they're willing to risk their valuable time and money prosecuting. Having a good claim is not money in the bank, though. The outcome of all cases is uncertain. Our proposed fee agreement specifies that you will not pay us anything, either fees our costs, from your pocket. We will look solely to the defendant(s) to be paid. Please read our website Notices, Terms, and Conditions for additional terms of use for this website.